Windows OSX Linux
Windows OSX Linux
Windows OSX Linux

DNA Dynamo software features

sequence navigation and restriction site analysis

Genbank accession U52953 representing 'HIV-1 92BR025 from Brazil, complete genome' was imported into DNADynamo and a features map displayed. Features may be selected and/or set as the ORF. Multi-partite (spliced) features may be 'joined' and opened in a new window. The sequence display is set to 'translated mode' and is illustrating the start of the 'vif' gene, together with a selected oligo.

abi/scf chromatogram sequence alignment and editing

Editable sequence alignments in the upper display area are linked to chromatogram data in the lower display area. A graphic map allows easy visualization of sequencing discrepancies while the 'guide' sequence is translated and illustrates annotations and oligos selected from the 'features' map

automatically add vector features and draw maps

DNADynamo’s circular maps are fully editable. You can adjust the size, colour and position of pretty much everything, including setting your favourite font, as well as adding custom text labels. DNADynamo maps also support a special MCS display, and allow you to add a list of features and/or a list of absent restriction sites.
Additional Features     Oligo Editor and Database     Integrated web BLAST search and annotation     Annotated multiple sequence alignment via the DNADynamo ClustalW interface     Pattern Searching     Support for demo and licensed users - we answers all your questions as rapidly as we can more information on DNA Dynamo software features and functions is available on the Getting Started with DNA Dynamo  page, and the Analysing Sequencing Data page, DNA Dynamo software is available for OSX, Windows and Linux. Files created on one operating system are compatible with other operating systems, making DNA Dynamo an ideal choice for mixed operating system environments.
Copyright © BlueTractorSoftware Ltd, all rights reserved
DNA Analysis with DNADynamo Software DNA Sequencing with DNADynamo Software DNA Mapping with DNADynamo Software

plan sub-cloning with fragment copy and replace, or

use the dedicated ‘Construct Maker

DNA Cloning with DNADynamo Software
An EcoRI/BamHI fragment containing the vpr gene is shown selected. The fragment can be copied and then used to replace a selected EcoRI/BamH1 fragment in another vector

Design primers manually or use the primer designer to automatically

select primers with given properties eg for gibson/infusion cloning

or to add restriction sites

A fragment has been selected for use in the Primer Designer - and primers to add BamH1 sites and EcoRI sites designed
Primer Design with DNADynamo Software
Windows OSX Linux

DNA Dynamo software features

sequence navigation and restriction site analysis

Genbank accession U52953 representing 'HIV-1 92BR025 from Brazil, complete genome' was imported into DNADynamo and a features map displayed. Features may be selected and/or set as the ORF. Multi-partite (spliced) features may be 'joined' and opened in a new window. The sequence display is set to 'translated mode' and is illustrating the start of the 'vif' gene, together with a selected oligo.

abi/scf chromatogram sequence alignment and editing

Editable sequence alignments in the upper display area are linked to chromatogram data in the lower display area. A graphic map allows easy visualization of sequencing discrepancies while the 'guide' sequence is translated and illustrates annotations and oligos selected from the 'features' map

automatically add vector features and draw maps

DNADynamo’s circular maps are fully editable. You can adjust the size, colour and position of pretty much everything, including setting your favourite font, as well as adding custom text labels. DNADynamo maps also support a special MCS display, and allow you to add a list of features and/or a list of absent restriction sites.
Additional Features     Oligo Editor and Database     Integrated web BLAST search and annotation     Annotated multiple sequence alignment via the DNADynamo ClustalW interface     Pattern Searching     Support for demo and licensed users - we answers all your questions as rapidly as we can more information on DNA Dynamo software features and functions is available on the Getting Started with DNA Dynamo  page, and the Analysing Sequencing Data page, DNA Dynamo software is available for OSX, Windows and Linux. Files created on one operating system are compatible with other operating systems, making DNA Dynamo an ideal choice for mixed operating system environments.
Copyright © BlueTractorSoftware Ltd, all rights reserved
DNA Analysis with DNADynamo Software DNA Sequencing with DNADynamo Software DNA Mapping with DNADynamo Software

plan sub-cloning with fragment copy and replace, or

use the dedicated ‘Construct Maker

DNA Cloning with DNADynamo Software
An EcoRI/BamHI fragment containing the vpr gene is shown selected. The fragment can be copied and then used to replace a selected EcoRI/BamH1 fragment in another vector

Design primers manually or use the primer designer to

automatically select primers with given properties eg for

gibson/infusion cloning or to add restriction sites

A fragment has been selected for use in the Primer Designer - and primers to add BamH1 sites and EcoRI sites designed
Primer Design with DNADynamo Software

DNA Dynamo software features

sequence navigation and restriction site


Genbank accession U52953 representing 'HIV-1 92BR025 from Brazil, complete genome' was imported into DNADynamo and a features map displayed. Features may be selected and/or set as the ORF. Multi-partite (spliced) features may be 'joined' and opened in a new window. The sequence display is set to 'translated mode' and is illustrating the start of the 'vif' gene, together with a selected oligo.

abi/scf chromatogram sequence

alignment and editing

Editable sequence alignments in the upper display area are linked to chromatogram data in the lower display area. A graphic map allows easy visualization of sequencing discrepancies while the 'guide' sequence is translated and illustrates annotations and oligos selected from the 'features' map

automatically add vector features and

draw maps

DNADynamo’s circular maps are fully editable. You can adjust the size, colour and position of pretty much everything, including setting your favourite font, as well as adding custom text labels. DNADynamo maps also support a special MCS display, and allow you to add a list of features and/or a list of absent restriction sites.
Additional Features     Oligo Editor and Database     Integrated web BLAST search and annotation     Annotated multiple sequence alignment via the DNADynamo ClustalW  interface     Pattern Searching     Support for demo and licensed users - we answers all your questions as rapidly as we can more information on DNA Dynamo software features and functions is available on the Getting Started with DNA Dynamo page, and the Analysing Sequencing Data page, DNA Dynamo software is available for OSX, Windows and Linux. Files created on one operating system are compatible with other operating systems, making DNA Dynamo an ideal choice for mixed operating system environments.
Copyright © BlueTractorSoftware Ltd, all rights reserved
Home DNA Analysis with DNADynamo Software DNA Sequencing with DNADynamo Software DNA Mapping with DNADynamo Software

plan sub-cloning with fragment copy and

replace, or use the dedicated ‘Construct


DNA Cloning with DNADynamo Software
An EcoRI/BamHI fragment containing the vpr gene is shown selected. The fragment can be copied and then used to replace a selected EcoRI/BamH1 fragment in another vector

Design primers manually or use the

primer designer to automatically select

primers with given properties eg for

gibson/infusion cloning or to add

restriction sites

A fragment has been selected for use in the Primer Designer - and primers to add BamH1 sites and EcoRI sites designed
Primer Design with DNADynamo Software

DNA Dynamo software features

sequence navigation and restriction site analysis

Genbank accession U52953 representing 'HIV-1 92BR025 from Brazil, complete genome' was imported into DNADynamo and a features map displayed. Features may be selected and/or set as the ORF. Multi-partite (spliced) features may be 'joined' and opened in a new window. The sequence display is set to 'translated mode' and is illustrating the start of the 'vif' gene, together with a selected oligo.

abi/scf chromatogram sequence alignment and editing

Editable sequence alignments in the upper display area are linked to chromatogram data in the lower display area. A graphic map allows easy visualization of sequencing discrepancies while the 'guide' sequence is translated and illustrates annotations and oligos selected from the 'features' map

automatically add vector features and draw


DNADynamo’s circular maps are fully editable. You can adjust the size, colour and position of pretty much everything, including setting your favourite font, as well as adding custom text labels. DNADynamo maps also support a special MCS display, and allow you to add a list of features and/or a list of absent restriction sites.
Additional Features     Oligo Editor and Database     Integrated web BLAST search and annotation     Annotated multiple sequence alignment via the DNADynamo ClustalW interface     Pattern Searching     Support for demo and licensed users - we answers all your questions as rapidly as we can more information on DNA Dynamo software features and functions is available on the Getting Started with DNA Dynamo page, and the Analysing Sequencing Data page, DNA Dynamo software is available for OSX, Windows and Linux. Files created on one operating system are compatible with other operating systems, making DNA Dynamo an ideal choice for mixed operating system environments.
Copyright © BlueTractorSoftware Ltd, all rights reserved
Home DNA Analysis with DNADynamo Software DNA Sequencing with DNADynamo Software DNA Mapping with DNADynamo Software

plan sub-cloning with fragment copy and replace, or

use the dedicated ‘Construct Maker

DNA Cloning with DNADynamo Software
An EcoRI/BamHI fragment containing the vpr gene is shown selected. The fragment can be copied and then used to replace a selected EcoRI/BamH1 fragment in another vector

Design primers manually or use the primer designer to

automatically select primers with given properties eg

for gibson/infusion cloning or to add restriction sites

A fragment has been selected for use in the Primer Designer - and primers to add BamH1 sites and EcoRI sites designed
Primer Design with DNADynamo Software